Understanding Proteins: A Complete Protein Bioinformatics Analysis Workshop
About Course
It is important to analyze proteins to understand their biological importance and functions such as:
How two proteins interact with each other to perform their function(s).
What are their physiochemical properties, such as molecular weight, half-life and etc.
What are the important functional sites and regions of the proteins.
Which residues play the role in protein-protein interactions.
Which biologically important compounds have better binding affinity with the target protein.
What are the important domains present in the protein-of-interest and how these domains interact with other domains.
Which protein databases are available and what sort of protein data can be retrieved from them.
In this pre-recorded, pre-scheduled and pre-outlined Understanding Proteins – A Complete Workshop of Protein Bioinformatics Analysis. You’ll be learning a huge set of Bioinformatics skills that can help you with your Bioinformatics analysis and research, you’ll be learning and practicing Protein Bioinformatics skills through our pre-recorded workshop.
Course Content
Segment 1: Bioinformatics Databases for Protein Analysis
Introduction to UniProt
09:56 -
UniProtKB & Protein Analysis
39:30 -
UniProteome & Retreieval of an Entire Proteome
13:05 -
UniRef & Retrieve Protein Clusters
11:36 -
UniParc & Find the Non-Redundant Entries
04:59 -
Peptide Search: Searching for a Particular Peptide on UniProt
03:15 -
Introduction to Protein Data Bank (PDB)
06:45 -
Accurately Searching for a Protein Structure on PDB & Protein Analysis
13:56 -
Browsing PDB According to Annotation
06:52 -
Digging Out Categorized & Specific Protein Structures from PDB Archives
06:23 -
3D Structure Visualization on PDB
10:49 -
Biological Annotation and Protein Features View & Analysis
08:18 -
Protein Symmetry: Understanding the Protein Validation
02:34 -
NCBI BLAST Database Searching
25:37 -
UniProt BLAST & Protein Database Searching
12:33 -
Introduction to InterPro
04:10 -
STRING: Protein-Protein Network Database and Analyzing PPI Between Proteins
13:17 -
Introduction to Molecular Modeling Database
08:07 -
InterPro – Protein Family Classifcation and Analysis
14:35 -
Protein & Protein Domain Analysis
09:29 -
Pfam: Understanding Protein Families and their Members
15:56 -
PROSITE: Understanding and Analyzing Protein Motif and Domain Profiles
Segment 2: Protein Sequence Alignment & Analysis
Segment 3: 3D Structure Prediction
Segment 4: 3D Structure Visualization & Evaluation
Segment 5: Molecular Docking and Docking Complex Evaluation
Segment 6: Molecular Dynamics & Simulation
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