Basic Bioinformatician Course
About Course

Basic Bioinformatician Course Allows You To Develop The Basic Bioinformatician Skills
Being a Bioinformatician means you’ve to learn how to retrieve and analyze biological data in the most efficient way, to learn how to align & analyze biological sequences to predict the evolutionary histories between them, to find out the conserved patterns, to learn how to predict coding regions or genes from a raw nucleotide sequence, and much more.
To efficiently deal with huge genomic and proteomic data often requires writing short scripts or patches of code to computationally analyze the biological datasets, rather than comparing and analyzing such huge datasets manually. Hence, the major part of Bioinformatics involves computationally analyzing biological datasets.
In this course you’ll learn the very basics of most commonly utilized biological databases, how to find conserved and variable regions within sequence alignments & analysis and do evolutionary & phylogenetic analysis. You’ll also be able to write your first script in Python & R, Python data structures such as lists, strings, dictionaries and various built-in functions and packages provided by R. Along with, how to read/write Bioinformatics files, work with loops and how to control the flow of your program and script.
Joining and learning from the Basic Bioinformatician Course can enhance your biological career by learning through various useful & informative pre-recorded lectures on Bioinformatics tools, databases, servers and biological programming in Python.
Course Content
Bioinformatics Databases
Sequence Analysis
17:59 -
Sequence Retrieval from NCBI
16:17 -
PubMed Central & ENTREZ
11:07 -
GenBank: Nucleotide Database on NCBI
06:50 -
FASTA vs. GenBank
18:26 -
Gene Database: A Comprehensive Gene Database
30:21 -
NCBI Genomes & NCBI Assembly: Retrieval of Genomes
36:14 -
RefSeq Database: Retrieval of Single Reference Sequences
11:16 -
BLAST Database Searching
25:37 -
Introduction to UCSC Genome Browser & SARS-CoV-2 Viral Genome
13:40 -
Retrieve an Entire Genome & Retrieval of SARS-CoV-2 Viral Genome
09:41 -
Retrieval of Genomic Data & Annotation of SARS-CoV-2 Viral Genome
05:28 -
Introduction to ENSEMBL
07:50 -
Retrieval of a Gene-Protein-Chromosomal Region
18:02 -
Introduction to Phytozome
09:39 -
Interpret Plant Genome Records
09:07 -
Download an Entire Plant Genome & Proteome
Bioinformatics File Formats
Protein Databases & Analysis
Sequence Alignment & Analysis
Phylogenetic Analysis
Genomics Tools
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